Thursday, July 11, 2013

You're gonna miss this

Our baby turned 2 months old this week and today Holden turns 2 years old.  Where has time gone? And can I slow it down for just a little bit?!?  I love my boys and its a bittersweet feeling watching the grow up.  I remember when Caden was younger he promised me he would stay 4 forever.  I still bring this up to him seeing as he is now 9, and his response is quite literal, "mom, I can't not grow up". 

Yes, my boys can grow up, but please promise me not to grow up too fast!  I miss that Caden doesn't ask to snuggle at bedtime anymore and he is now putting himself to bed.  I know that this has to happen, but I feel like I could kiss him goodnight until he is 18 years old and I will as long as he will let me. 

It seems like just yesterday was Holden's 1st birthday, in which his favorite thing and word was 'ball'.  Now, he has many words and his favorite things are 'Caillou', 'Nemo', and balloons.  I miss when he would just willingly snuggle before nap-time and now its more of a game of  catch me if you can. 

And how can my baby boy be 2 months old!  It makes me tear up a little.  Although, I do enjoy the on-purpose smiles I get everyday.  I know that the newborn phase is slowly fading away and the newborn snuggles will turn into quick hugs as he wants to explore his environment and figure out the toys. 

There is a wonderful book by Karen Kingsbury titled, Let Me Hold You Longer, I cry every time I read the book.  It's a great book about a mom experiencing the 'lasts' of her child.  The last time he asked to snuggle, etc.  It makes you think a little bit about not rushing things and staying in the present.  Sometimes I have a difficult time with this, especially with Mr. Wonderful as two can be a challenging age and not to mention he is an active boy, that sometimes I want him to grow up to communicate better so there aren't as many frustrating moments.  But this book grounds me and brings me back.  Along with the song by Darius Rucker - You're gonna miss this. 

In these growing moments and days, I have to remember to stay in the present, because indeed I will miss this. 

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