Friday, May 23, 2014

Catching Up and stuff...

It has been a VERY, VERY long time since I've written on here.  I apologize to any of my readers.  Life with three boys has been especially busy.  In addition to my "job" as mom, I also work three other part time jobs.  This makes things even crazier around here, but for now it works for us.  I just can't justify working to put my children in daycare.   So until they are all in school or until I find a job that pays enough, or maybe when we win the lottery - HA- I will be continually busy. 

Even though I work THREE part time jobs, 1 is only 1 night a week for 3 hours and the other 2 I put in about 15-20 hours together total so it sounds crazy, and it is busy, but not like 50 hours a week busy.  I am just blessed that I have jobs to go to and to help our family out financially.  I too am blessed that it gives me an outlet away from the kids.  I love being a mom, but let's be honest - sometimes I want to get away for awhile.  During this time, I still have my dream of starting my own business of my mommy & me fitness classes.  I really want to be successful with them and have everything lined up to do them, except marketing.  So please pray for me that I can get my tail in order and 'Just Do IT'!  I would really like to lighten my load and work ONE job vs. THREE FOUR if you count me staying at home as a job.

Not working is out of the question for now.  My husband and I are going to start trying the Dave Ramsey Money Makeover so we can pay off our debt.  We both have 2 degrees and you guessed it lots of student loans.  Unfortunately, we aren't even using our degrees.  Aside from my husband and children, my degree is my biggest accomplishment in life right now.  And no one can take that away from me so even though, I'm not using it at the moment, I'm proud that I went to college and earned my Bachelor's degree.

I'm sorry if I'm blabbing, this was supposed to be a catching up post, but instead is turning out to be a whiny post.  I'm not asking for a pity party.  Just right now at this stage in my life, I honestly don't know what to do next.  I have been doing A LOT of praying.  And like I said earlier, I desperately want my mommy & me class to kick off.   I honestly feel that once you find a job you love, you'll never work another day in your life.  And I am longing for that, I want to have meaning in what I do and to have a career, not just a J-O-B.

I hope this is making sense. 

So now that I have all that off my chest here is what is happening around here:

My husband is still pretty awesome.  He always helps around the house, mops the floor every morning before I even wake up (our dogs get gated in the kitchen at night), and the other day he brought me coffee in bed and a flower from the garden.  He is so SWEET :)
My oldest son finished school last week and has begun a Greek Mythology camp that will go on for two weeks.  This is totally up his alley.  And its fun to learn all about Greek Mythology myself.  We started reading the Percy Jackson book series last summer.  If you haven't read any of them, they are worth the read.  And he will be a pre-teen in a few short weeks.  The big double digits - the BIG - ONE OH!  How did this happen, WHEN did this happen that my baby boy will be a TEN year old?  Wait a minute, am I equipped for a 10 year old?  When did I get so OLD?
That's a lot of when's.  If you know how to stop him from growing up, please share.  :)

The middle boy is my sweet, adventurous, and limit tester as well as lover of the outdoors.   He can't wait to turn three in a few short months and start school in the fall.  Which reminds me, I STILL have to register him for school.  We are of course still working on potty training.  It doesn't help that he is afraid of the big toilet in public restrooms, and honestly they are pretty scary and gross, but when you have to go, you have to go.  We do big boy undies the majority time at home for now and pull-ups and naps and bedtime and when we go out.  I can't remember how we did it so many years ago with his brother, but I'm pretty sure he wont be in pull-ups forever.  However, we have been explaining that he has to use the potty as school, no more pull-ups.  Even though the first couple weeks, I'm sure we will still send him to school in pull-ups.  I don't even care, and I'm sure the teachers will thank us later.  He has been home with me since the day he was born, things are going to be rough on him the way it is, I don't need potty issues to go with leaving mom issues as well.

Our youngest just turned ONE a few weeks ago.  WHAT?!?!?!  This year has flown by.  I think each child you have the faster time goes.  This is yet another reason I want to simplify things and just take a step back.  I want to cherish these moments, not have them fly by.   It is hard to believe that our baby boy is one.  It saddens me, but its also always fun to watch them grow.  He is so independent which is wonderful at times so I can get some things done, like vacuum, or write a blog.

Well there you have it, 8 months-ish smooshed into several word vomiting paragraphs.  Hope you're still here to the end.  I hope to continue this along more frequently.

Until next time... 

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